Day 76 – Deuteronomy 17-20


Talking Points

  • While we live in the world, we are not to look like the world. Again, God gives His commands for Promised Land living. These ordinances are to result in people who are witnesses to the greatness of God. They exist as a testimony to God.
  • Instructions for judges, priests, and kings are given for the oversight of the affairs of the people. God’s system of applied fairness is, of course, exceedingly wise.
  • God is very clear — divination, spiritism, witchcraft, and sorcery are to have no place among His people. Mediums and those who speak to the dead are forbidden. Added to this are false prophets. We are led by God and His Word alone.


Today, our culture has a fascination with the supernatural — and not the things of God. Mediums (even so-called Christian mediums) sell out concert halls. Our TV shows, movies, and books are laced with witchcraft, wizards, and zombies. Some consult horoscopes, mystics, and online psychics trying to get a heads-up on the future. We make light of it all, counting most of it as harmless entertainment.

Where should a believer land? Here is my conclusion: I do not have time for the great things of life. My mind already has more than it can take in and process. There is more being thrown at me than I could ever wade through. So, if I’m choosing what goes in, it will not be counter to my God, not even in the make-believe. Is that extreme? Most likely! However, I have learned that God sees the desire to honor Him and is pleased.

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8

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