Day 121 – 2 Samuel 5, 1 Chronicles 11-12


Talking Points

  • David sees much success. After seven-and-a-half years of ruling over Judah, the northern tribes then recognize David as king of Israel, and he rules over a unified kingdom. This time of peace and prosperity results in happiness in the nation. “There was joy indeed in Israel” (1 Chronicles 12:40).
  • David knew God was responsible for the success of the nation and his own personal success as well. It seems easy to look to God when we are in turmoil, but take credit, ourselves, for any times of success. David knows God is faithful in both.
  • The old enemies of Israel, the Philistines, are soundly defeated in two battles, as David operates in obedience to God. God defends, protects, and brings victory to His people.


While reading through Scripture, I have grown to love the stories of people — actual, flesh-and-blood people. As God’s story unfolds throughout the pages, we find stories woven in of people who succeed, people who fail, and people who find redemption. We read of people who are useful and faithful. Their stories are encouraging to us. We also find people who are hindrances, who lack integrity, and who disappoint. All of them, like us, are just people.

In these passages and in passages to come, we read of David’s mighty men. Thirty men who were great in valor and bravery. They were known for their tremendous feats of strength and skill in battle. Many times, they prevailed against insurmountable odds. Often, they would attempt things from which others would run. These men were loyal to their king and passionate about the cause. They were a great blessing to David.

While we could look at many lessons from these men, today, I want us to focus on the way they can inspire us. Wouldn’t it be something to have it said of us, “They were loyal to their King and passionate about His cause. They attempted great things, things from which others would run. And, facing insurmountable odds, they brought glory to Christ”? May we serve our King as they did theirs. After all, like us, they were just people.

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