Talking Points
- Solomon is wrestling with the meaning and purpose of life. It seems that everything is vanity, empty, and futile. Solomon processes the wisdom he has gathered, and, at times, he appears to be making progress in his search. Other times, he is lost trying to make sense of it all.
- Wealth without wisdom won’t hold. It is better to be wise, as wisdom preserves you.
- In his observations, Solomon figures out that fairness is not really a thing in “life under the sun.” He has seen the fastest runner lose the race, the greatest warrior fail in battle. He has witnessed good men suffer and wicked men prosper. And, yet, somehow that reconciles with God being in control.
- It is a great vantage point God has given Solomon — to see success and its true worth. Many will endeavor, striving for success, convinced meaning will be found just ahead.
- Solomon’s hard-sought conclusion: “Fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person” (12:13).
Solomon does try and leave something that will last. He realizes that all the labors of his hands won’t be it. He understands he found no lasting thing in seeking to please himself. He knows even his throne will be taken by someone else when he is gone.
The only difference he could make was to give the “words of truth” (12:10). Solomon believes that wise words are “like goads,” which, while they can bring about the pain of conviction, they steer and guide to the right paths. He says that these truths anchor us; they keep us stable and secure.
And, Solomon knows that these words “are given by one Shepherd” (12:11). What a peace in knowing that the Good Shepherd feeds us, leads us, and cares for us through His Word.