Day 117 – 1 Chronicles 6


Talking Points

  • Remember, this book, written by Ezra, is a retelling of a lot of the events of the Old Testament.
  • Chapter 6 traces the descendants of Levi, Ezra’s own tribe. The Levites were set aside to serve the Lord. Some served in the house of God — first the tabernacle and then the temple. Others, specifically the Levites who were also descendants of Aaron, served as priests before the Lord. As you follow the line, the history of Israel is recorded again in the service of each generation. We see, again, that the Bible is a historical book.
  • Verses 3-15 give the lineage that provides the high priest. Verses 31-47 tell of the Levites who served God as temple musicians. Verses 50-53 list the high priests.
  • The last of the chapter describes the cities and their surrounding pasture lands which were allotted to the Levites. The descendants of Levi were scattered throughout Israel, serving as the religious leaders of their day.


From this list of the line of Levi, we see a pretty awesome thing. Over time and space, throughout generations and throughout the land, God made worship the central activity of His people. The Levites were to prepare, lead, and facilitate worship of the one true God — the thing that set them apart from the rest of the world. And, in His wise plan, there would not be a time or a place that He would not have servants in place to lead it. Wow.

Today, how much more should we be a worshiping people? The line of Levi has been replaced by the perfect High Priest, Jesus! Through Him we can confess our sin, find forgiveness, and have open access to the “throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). Through Him, the sacrifice of blood has been fulfilled and now the sacrifice of praise is due. In all generations and across all places, may the name of Jesus be worshiped!

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