Day 156 – Proverbs 7-9


Talking Points

  • We read a clear description of the lure to enter into any sin, but especially sexual sin. It seems to be exciting and is so enticing. It appears to be private — like no one will know. All of the persuasive arguments are presented. And, then, suddenly and surely, it ends in “slaughter” (7:22). God does not mince words and shows the outcome will be devastating.
  • God is adamant in wanting us to have His wisdom. He plainly tells us the benefits of it — righteousness, knowledge, understanding, and instruction. He makes plain the value of it — it is beyond compare, of greater value than silver or gold. We should take note when our infinitely wise God says wisdom is infinitely valuable.
  • The best way to resist temptation is by being equipped with wisdom, trained in understanding.
  • Foolishness also calls to us. Following it, however, never brings lasting success. It is literally a dead end (9:18).
We should take note when our infinitely wise God says wisdom is infinitely valuable. Share on X


Being a parent is a challenge like no other. It humbles even the proudest people and leaves me in awe of my own parents. And, it makes me love God more.

This week, I actually had these thoughts: I wish my kids would see how much I love them. I wish they understood how I really do want what is best for them. I wish they saw that I know things they don’t know and have wisdom that they need. I wish they would just come up and say, “Hey! I have this decision to make…can you help me?” And, then, that they would take my advice or my instruction and run with it in great joy.

And, then, I laughed at myself. Not just because I’m expecting an awful lot from children, but because I wonder if that’s how God feels about us.

Look at how He wants us to see how much He loves us. He goes to the Cross for us! Look at how He tries to convince us that He really does want what is best for us, that He knows things we don’t know, and that He has wisdom that we need. Yet, how often do we go to Him and say, “Lord, I have this decision to make…can You help me?” Be it issues at work, making purchases, whether something is right or wrong, or how to carry out a necessary conversation — don’t you think He’s just waiting for us to see Him and long for Him to share His infinite wisdom with us? Don’t you imagine He would love for us to take His instruction and His commands and run with them in great joy?

Lord, help us to know what we have in You and in Your Word. Help us to see You. Please give us the strength and desire to heed Your instruction and live, truly live!

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