Day 189 – 2 Kings 15, 2 Chronicles 26


Talking Points

  • This is a sad span in the history of God’s people. Both Israel and Judah move forward with hearts that are not fully given to the LORD. The years are marked by conspiring, killing, and leaders who led their people into sin.
  • When King Uzziah “sought the LORD, God prospered him” (2 Chronicles 26:5). He led Judah in many great advancements. He saw success in war and established a well-supplied army. He strengthened the region’s cities and made advancements in agriculture. The Bible says he was “marvelously helped,” and the help was from God (26:15). Yet, the Bible says when Uzziah “became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the LORD his God” (26:16). Proverbs warns us that pride comes before a fall. Galatians tells us to consider ourselves lest we ourselves would be tempted.


Throughout this section, speaking of the kings of Israel, the Bible says, “He did evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done; he did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel sin” (2 Kings 15:9, 18, 24, 28). Each of these subsequent kings were guilty of this same sin. So, what was this sin, and how did it lead the nation to sin?

King Jeroboam, seeking to establish Israel over Judah, instituted a form of “pseudo-religion.” He copied the religious practices ordained by God, establishing new cities of worship (instead of Jerusalem), building false temples (to replace the temple), and even making new holy days and days of observance. From outside appearances, it looked like the real thing. Problem was, it was not as God had ordained, and was therefore false worship. In its practice, the people were led away from the one true God. The Truth mattered.

Today, many versions of “pseudo-religion” also fill our culture. Some of the words are the same. The practices seem similar. And, yet, it is not as God has ordained and is false worship. The Bible says we worship in “spirit and truth,” meaning the Truth still matters (John 4:24)! Today, may our worship always and fully be led by the Truth of God’s Word.

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