Day 232 – Habakkuk


Talking Points

  • Habakkuk is a unique book because it records a conversation between the prophet and God. Habakkuk asks real questions that have been posed by real people throughout the ages: Why do wicked people prosper? Why does God allow injustice? Why doesn’t He just end it? Habakkuk records the back and forth between God and this questioning soul.
  • God declares that He will use the wicked Babylonians to bring judgment against His people. Habakkuk asks how God could use people even more evil than Judah to punish them. God reveals His practical reasons: They are mean, violent, and familiar with war. He also says He will judge the Babylonians’ sins as well. God’s plan is wise and just.
  • What do we do during those times when God is not speaking? In this book we find instructions for times God is silent on a matter. Instead of moving recklessly, taking matters into our own hands, and instead of looking to other sources for our solutions, we wait on God. It is an act of trust and wisdom. If God is not speaking, we’re not moving! “I will stand on my guard post And station myself on the rampart; And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me, And how I may reply when I am reproved” (Habakkuk 2:1).


“God, what are You doing?” That is basically the question Habakkuk asks God. “God, this makes no sense!” Habakkuk, who loved God, cannot, for the life of him, understand God’s plan. Sound familiar?

God almost comically responds, “Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days– You would not believe if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5). The original Hebrew translates, “You would be utterly astonished.” God tells Habakkuk, “You wouldn’t believe it if i told you!”

Here’s what we need to remember: Our God is powerful — nothing is impossible for Him. Our God is wise — infinitely so. He not only knows what needs to happen, He knows the very best way for it to happen. And, on top of that, He is good — totally good. He is kind and gracious in all His ways — even the ones we can’t fathom. He will cause the best thing to happen. Why? Because His plan is perfect. And, why is that? Because He is perfect.

The next time we are perplexed, confused, or even doubtful, may we remember the God who is up to something great in all days!

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