Talking Points
- The Israelites have crossed over and set up camp in the Promised Land. There is a profound transition that takes place. The produce of the land sustains them, and they no longer need the manna from heaven. A new generation is circumcised, marked as God’s covenant people. All of those previously carrying this mark had passed away. The Passover is observed. And, here in this place called Gilgal, God says, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt” (5:9). Gilgal means “the rolling or ring of stones,” and for God’s people, it will be the place of new starts. Praise the Lord! He is the God of fresh starts.
- The account of Jericho stands as a testimony to radically obeying God’s wisdom, God’s plan, and God’s leading, even if you are at a loss for understanding. Simply, trust God and act.
- We see Rahab is delivered. Her faith has resulted in God’s salvation. Once again, the only factor was faith.
- Very quickly, God is challenged. Achan acts in disobedience, taking some of the things under the ban. He literally “broke faith.” Just as true faith is walked out in obedience, a lack of faith is walked out in disobedience. God punishes his rebellion individually and corporately. Achan’s sin bears consequences for others. That is the nature of sin.
As I read through this account, I can’t help but Imagine Joshua – all he has been through, now tasked with leading God’s people to take the land. He stands out over this same land he had spied out 40 years earlier and sees its size and its wall. Does his same trust in the LORD, in His faithfulness to keep His promises – does that trust hold after all these years?
When he gets his instructions from the Captain of the Lord’s army, I wonder if Joshua wants to say, “I’m sorry. You want me to what, now?” And, then I remember, these kinds of instructions are God’s specialty:
Abraham, leave everything and everyone you know, and come to this land. When you get there, I’ll tell you, and I’ll give it to you, even though other people live there now.
Oh, and Abraham, remember your only son, whom you love, whom I promised you, whom you’ve waited all these years for, and all those descendants who will come from him? Bring him to an altar and sacrifice him.
Moses, go back to the land you fled from, where you’ll be in big trouble, and tell Pharaoh who has My people in captivity to let them go.
Israelites, take a perfect lamb, kill it, and paint its blood on your doorposts, and I will spare you.
Pick that little guy, David, and he’ll sling a stone at that giant.
Joseph, I know she’s pregnant, but it’s okay to marry her anyway.
Hey guys, I know you’ve been fishing all night, and you haven’t caught anything, but throw your nets on the other side of the boat again.
Everyone in this huge crowd is hungry? Let Me see that little boy’s lunch.
Let Me be arrested and killed. It’s always been the plan.
Step out of the boat and come to Me.
Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek. Take up your cross.
Trust only in Me for your salvation.
I could keep going – it’s a remarkably long list! God pretty much always acts in this manner. He seems to always ask us to set aside our human logic, our wills, our emotions, and follow Him in faith. The funny thing about the “Battle of Jericho” is that there really wasn’t a battle, or at least not of man against man. The battle that took place at Jericho was a battle of the heart – would God’s people trust Him for their salvation?
Today, the battle rages on. Because, still today, God’s plan for salvation and deliverance is not like anything we would come up with. His plan requires faith, obedience, and endurance, and is only accomplished by His own hand. If we will put our faith in Him and follow His commandments, He will perform great and mighty things, and we will have the victory that He secured!
The LORD is our Salvation.