Why Write a Blog?


Why start a blog?
Why start a ministry seeking a resurgence of the Bible?
Why write books?
Why preach and teach?
Why stick your neck out?

Of all the things to do, with all of the things we are already behind on, with all of the stuff already out there (there are not a lack of blogs or books or ministries!), there is this huge question — why? Today, in our first official post, we want to answer that question.


We believe God called us to it.

We believe God called us to it. We really do! We can imagine how that must sound. We know how overdone that statement is. And, yet, here it is — We. Believe. God. Called. Us. To. It. This reason, for us, trumps all things. Our hearts long to make a difference, to see God’s Word known, and simply to be obedient. Pray for us as we seek to hear and to walk and to speak — all for His glory.

We believe it is important.

We believe it is important because of how it changed our lives.  We love God’s Word, not in theory, not in duty, but because through it, God has radically changed our marriages, our homes, our lives, our very hearts! We love God’s Word because it is unchanging, dependable Truth. It leads and directs, blesses and protects as only God’s Word can do. We love it! We love it, and we want others to do the same. The greatest thing that could ever happen in our generation is a terrific up-swelling, a grand resurgence of the Word of God and the impact that would bring. It is important. In fact, nothing could be as important.

The greatest thing that could ever happen in our generation is a terrific up-swelling, a grand resurgence of the Word of God and the impact that would bring. Share on X

There is still good news!

There is still good news. Today we are inundated with bad news, literally covered over in bad news. It’s on TV. It’s on Facebook. It’s all the talk in the break room. It is heartbreaking, hope-dashing, truly overwhelming. It seems hopeless. And, yet, there is this reality — there is still good news! We want to shout it. We want to print shirts that say it. We want our kids and our friends and even complete strangers to be sure of it. In Jesus Christ, there is still good news.  All is not lost. We are not done. The best is yet to come.

There is good news for our marriages, for our homes, for our kids. There is good news for our jobs, for our finances, for our co-workers. There is peace of mind, hope, and joy. There is purpose, forgiveness, and eternal life. Yes, there is still good news! And it is God’s Word that tells us of that good news. Plainly, if people find God’s Word, they will find that good news. Wouldn’t that be something? There is still good news. 

And so, that is why. What could be better? More important? Given the option — what else would we do? All glory be to Christ!

There is an old spiritual entitled “There is a Balm in Gilead…”  It cites an Old Testament reference to a balm that people sought out in order to be made well. The news of the balm was shared in concern for those who were suffering. People would then search out the healing medicine.

“There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead

To cure a sin-sick soul.”

There is a “balm” to heal, to restore, to cure the ailments of mankind. Our balm is not some mysterious medicine, but the Truth of our Savior, Jesus. May we use every bit of our breath to declare – there is a balm. His name is Jesus.

“There is a balm in Gilead, To make the wounded whole; There is a balm in Gilead, To cure a sin-sick soul.” There is a balm. His name is Jesus. Share on X

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. We are so excited about what is to come!

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