Day 306 – Luke 19
Talking Points Considering the enemies of Jesus never stops being strange. The Pharisees, who read and took pride in practicing God's Word, and the scribes, who copied and were thought…
Talking Points Considering the enemies of Jesus never stops being strange. The Pharisees, who read and took pride in practicing God's Word, and the scribes, who copied and were thought…
Talking Points Abraham remarries and has other children, yet the inheritance is given to Isaac.Isaac has two sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob trades Esau out of his birthright and steals…
Talking Points Chapter 22 is a loaded chapter! God calls to and "tests" Abraham. He gives him exact instructions for the sacrifice of his beloved son, Isaac. In an act…
Talking Points Sodom is consumed in sexual lust and perversion. It overtakes the entire culture, "both young and old" (19:4). God promises a sure judgment of the city and warns…
Talking Points God had promised Abram and Sarai an heir. Without seeking the counsel of the Lord, and without trusting in His faithfulness to fulfill His promises, Sarai went out…