Day 267 – Esther 6-10
Talking Points It's almost comical to read about Haman's plan being turned upside down. Can't you imagine his bitter disgust as he leads Mordecai on parade through the streets!In an…
Talking Points It's almost comical to read about Haman's plan being turned upside down. Can't you imagine his bitter disgust as he leads Mordecai on parade through the streets!In an…
Talking Points The events in the account of Esther occur during the reign of King Ahasuerus (whose Greek name is Xerxes). King Ahasuerus was the son of King Darius I,…
Talking Points Habakkuk is a unique book because it records a conversation between the prophet and God. Habakkuk asks real questions that have been posed by real people throughout the…
Talking Points These chapters focus on God's promise that there will be a return from Babylonian captivity and a restoration of the people and of Jerusalem. "There is hope for…
Talking Points As God sends prophets and delivers His Word, His desire is always that the people would receive it, repent, and return to Him. Instead of receiving the message…
Talking Points This section begins with the Servant explaining that even in the Jews' rejection of Him, God's salvation will be offered to the Gentiles. Israel hears that God's promise…