Day 56 – Numbers 5-6
Talking Points God is holy and He can have no part of sin. He calls His people to be holy. They are also to separate themselves from anything unclean.Sin is…
Talking Points God is holy and He can have no part of sin. He calls His people to be holy. They are also to separate themselves from anything unclean.Sin is…
Talking Points God lays out what constitutes sin and what makes a person unclean. Sin can be evidenced in actions, words, and even motivations. A huge point: God defines sin,…
Talking Points Sodom is consumed in sexual lust and perversion. It overtakes the entire culture, "both young and old" (19:4). God promises a sure judgment of the city and warns…
Talking Points Once again, we see great detail in events and genealogies, describing actual, historical accounts. God blesses Noah and his family; life moves on. As time passes, people become…
Talking Points As soon as worship exists, false worship shows itself. God sees and cares about our hearts' motivation in our worship of Him. He responds to the heart and…