5 Things to Remember After Easter

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I love Easter — I truly do! From the beginning of spring, to kids excitedly decked out in new Easter outfits, to family dinners, and especially the time to focus on our risen Lord, I look forward to Easter. It is one of my favorite highlights of every year.

And, then, just like that, it’s over, and we quickly move on. Summer, here we come!

But, before we do, this year, I want to pull out five important things we should carry forward from our celebration of Easter. If we’ll remember them, these five thoughts will impact us all year.

We do have hope!

Our world can seem increasingly hopeless at every turn. News feeds are filled with unimaginably bad news. The evil of our day is bewildering. The waves can feel insurmountable — hopeless. But, Easter reminds us we have hope! And, best of all, our hope is not fixed to an economy, a political system, or any other man-made scheme. Instead, it is set in a Savior raised from the dead and reigning as King! Easter reminds us that whatever situation arises and whatever befalls us, we have hope. Praise the Lord!

“My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”

Our church service is better full!

Delightfully so. Yet, every year, there are those who will attend worship services only on Christmas and Easter. This year, I actually heard someone in our parking lot (half-jokingly) say, “See you next Easter!” The truth is, we are glad anytime someone joins the worship service, because our church services are better when the building is full. The songs are better when His praises are louder with the sound of many voices! The smiles are brighter and the fellowship more joyful when the faces are many! Even the air seems happier (is that even possible?)! Actually, this is all just a part of God’s plan! We are blessed as believers assemble to worship Jesus. We are blessed in the gathering of the church. Easter reminds us of the blessing of crowding in to lift up the name of Jesus!

Focusing on Christ makes all of life better!

For many people, Easter is usually more than just one church service. It begins on Palm Sunday, and is a week in which we recount Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It’s a week when we retell His urgent teachings before the cross. It is also the week we think deeply about Jesus’ sacrificial death at Calvary and what it means for us. Certainly, it is the time we celebrate a resurrected Savior who defeated death and stands victoriously as the Lord of Life. This week-long focus on Christ does something to our perspective — it makes it better. Being reminded of Jesus’ love, sacrifice, grace, and mercy, all shown distinctly in the events of Easter, gives us the lens through which we need to view our world and our faith. It offers encouragement. It builds hope and produces joy. Simply, it makes all of life better.

Easter reminds us of what God has already told us: We do well to “[fix our] eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith…” (Hebrews 12:2). It makes life better!

The world needs our message!

This world is in disarray and is searching for answers. Jesus is that answer!

Just think about the questions raised in the last year alone: Why does evil exist, and what do we do about it? What is the purpose of life if it is so uncertain and fleeting? Why can’t people just get along, or at least tolerate one another?

The world is grasping at straws, hoping one will stand up. They won’t.

Be sure, our answer — everyone’s answer — is the Savior exalted on Easter. This week, what a joy it was to hear the truth of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection to save sinners! The good news is, that is always good news! The world needs our message.

Our Savior is worthy!

Maybe the greatest thing to come out of this Easter is the big, bold, fantastic reminder — our Savior is worthy! Seeing Jesus endure the mockery of men, submit to the cross, bear our sin, and then stand in glorious resurrection power shouts to the depths of our souls, “He is worthy!” He is worthy of our wildest praise. Our total devotion. Our telling the whole world. He is worthy! Absolutely worthy!

As spring passes by, summer approaches, and our days are filled with the many things of life, may we never fail to remember that we follow a risen Savior. He is due our fullest devotion. He blesses us with hope and purpose. Most of all, may we live each day in awe of our Lord — He is worthy!

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